Complaint Procedure

Please note that this complaint procedure only refers to issues related to osteopathic and massage treatment.

For concerns related to other practitioners (nutritionist, psychotherapist etc) please contact

1. Bridge to Health’s Internal Complaints Resolution

Firstly, we sincerely regret you even have cause to feel dissatisfied with the treatment received, as our team’s calling and whole focus centres on helping our patients improve and heal.

Initially, we would request that you contact the practitioner concerned; this gives him/her the opportunity to resolve the matter in the most direct way. If s/he cannot speak at the time, s/he will arrange a mutually convenient opportunity to do so, preferably in person.

How to contact us:

Uxbridge clinic – 01895 20 00 50
Ealing clinic – 020 3757 6544

If this does not resolve the situation satisfactorily, please contact Bridge to Health’s practice principal Mathieu Rossano on 07799 585 786 or by email at

Alternatively, contact the clinic manager Phyllis Lovelace on 01895 2000 50 or by email at  Mathieu or Phyllis will listen to your concerns and endeavour to assist you in any way that seems appropriate.

Please remember we are here to help, and want to know if we have caused any concern.

N.B.: If the query or complaint relates directly to Mathieu Rossano, please contact Phyllis Lovelace (see above) or Andrew Patterson – see Peer Complaints Resolution section below.

2. Peer Complaints Resolution

Should we be unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, please contact our external osteopathic colleague Andrew Patterson. Andrew is a highly respected Osteopath and peer practising in Stirling, Scotland and wholly unrelated to Bridge to Health. He will provide an “external perspective”, listen to your concern and then mediate resolution with us. His contact details are:

Clinic number: 01786 831 100

3. Institute of Osteopathy (Formerly British Osteopathic Association) Complaints Resolution Service

If you still do not feel that your complaint has been resolved by us to your satisfaction, you can talk to an independent source about it by ringing the Institute of Osteopathy (formerly known as the British Osteopathic Association) on 01582 488 455 or by Email at

4. General Osteopathic Council

If the situation has still not been resolved to your satisfaction and you wish to instigate a formal complaint with the regulatory body, the General Osteopathic Council can be contacted on 020 7357 6655 ext 224 or by email at

Please note that the General Osteopathic Council cannot award compensation.